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More than 28 years ago I was told my health concerns were “All In Your Head”. Frustrated & worried about my future, I began a quest to regain my health…I tired just about everything. Medications, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Massage, Exercise, Bed rest…you get the idea. They all helped for a time but the pain always came back. What I discovered was there is no single magic solution. Lasting relief begins with understanding the complex interactions between your Metabolism and Brain. Dr. Prather’s unique treatment philosophy “Treat The Person, NOT Their Diagnosis”, is what distinguishes him from the typical.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eliminate Extra Pounds with Effective Weight Loss Tips!

Everywhere you go, people seem to be talking about weight loss. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss tips or tricks. Even in the news there are hundreds of stories about the perils of being overweight or obese. Retail outlets and the internet are infiltrated with weight loss books and products. Schools, the work place and medical centers are just a few of the places that weight loss is talked about frequently. If you’re trying to lose weight, we have five quick tips to get you started..

Tip #1- Quit talking about weight loss and start doing something about it.

Simply talking constantly about how much weight you want to lose isn’t going to make the weight come off. Action is the first step on your weight loss journey. Try taking this simple yet effective advice. Stop moving your mouth and start moving your body. The results with come quicker than you think.

Tip #2- Weight loss is more effective when you work at a slow and steady pace.

Don't jump on the popular weight loss roller coaster, instead take a ride on the much safer and slow and steady weight loss train. Long-lasting, healthy weight loss only comes with the slow and steady approach. You should only lose a few pounds a week. Remember, to lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. To get double the effect, try dieting and exercise at the same time.

Tip #3- Save your hard earned cash!

Avoid spending a penny on weight loss fad diets and tricks. Hypnosis, get skinny quick diets, pills and intense surgical procedures are not the answer to weight loss. Instead of giving you long term weight loss, these fad diets and procedures will leave you feeling as though you've been cheated. Balancing your diet with nutritionally sound foods will help you lose weight much quicker than the multitude of fad diets and weight loss "miracle pills" on the market.

Tip #4- Weight loss must become a way of life.

Weight, unfortunately, becomes something that many people will struggle with their entire lives. Processed foods and a lifestyle with very little activity and exercise are some of the biggest contributors to weight struggles. In order to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, you must begin to change the way you think about food. Try thinking about food as fuel instead of a passion. Successful weight loss can be enjoyed by making lifestyle changes. You must choose healthy foods and exercises and stick with those choices your whole life.

Tip #5 – Weight Loss is More Than a Number.

Don't become attached to the scale when you are dieting. Happiness is often contingent on the numbers only. Giving in or giving up should never be an option, even if your numbers are stagnant or slowly increasing. Take a step back and remember that even though your weight may not be doing what you'd like, your body IS changing Your heart is being better taken care of. You are decreasing your cholesterol levels. In addition, your body will be lean and fit looking and your clothes will begin to fall more comfortably on your body. Learning to find joy in these other benefits is part of the process.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Antioxidants, The Wonderful Weight Loss Tip For Summer

Justifiably so, antioxidants are all the rage today. Free radicals, which can cause cell damage and ultimately lead to diseases of the heart or cancer, can be neutralized by antioxidants. Antioxidants are everywhere, but no matter where you go blueberries seems to be the only choice. The most popular and healthy choice today to get your antioxidants is a mixture of freshly squeezed blueberries, cranberries and even pomegranates. However, in our rush to embrace the latest antioxidant food craze, we've ignored some very high antioxidant foods that may be sitting in our cupboards right now. When consuming antioxidants here is an essential weight loss tip for you, instead of blueberries try the small red bean.

Scientists have found that the body forms unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals and that antioxidant rich foods can help neutralize these unstable oxygen molecules.

A free radical is simply an atom with an odd number of electrons in its outer ring. Substantial biological damage can be caused by a free radical chain reaction. Since electrons have a very strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn convert those other atoms into secondary free radicals. Because of the biological damage that free radicals cause, they are very bad. There are many different kinds of free radicals we are exposed to everyday such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides.

There are many common foods high in antioxidants and you shouldn't restrict yourself to just blueberries for example. Why? Well, have you ever heard the expression, “eat your colors?” That refers to the fact that foods are in different color “families” containing different types of antioxidants which have different benefits. The yellow-orange color family including peaches and nectarines offer an immune system boost. To help reduce inflammation the purple-red color family of pomegranates, plums, and berries should be used. It’s important to eat foods from all color groups to reap the full benefits of antioxidants.

You can eat food high in antioxidants (by eating them raw, cooking them, or juicing them yourself) without having to pay a high price for the “flavor of the month” antioxidant juices found in grocery stores everywhere.

So, make sure to give your blueberries some company at the dinner table from now on. Make sure to invite some beans, spinach, potatoes, or artichoke hearts to your table and enjoy your antioxidants and your weight loss tip of the day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 Great Weight Loss Tips from Non-Surgical Wellness

Weight loss tips are often overlooked because many people don't understand them. There are also plenty of incorrect weight loss myths and ideas floating around out there, so it is important to know the difference between what works and what doesn't.

The following are 10 effective weight loss tips.

1. Avoid eating late at night. This is because, as your prepare to sleep, your metabolism becomes slower and therefore it is harder to properly digest food. Proper metabolism of food cannot be obtained when you are constantly eating late at night.

2. Eat only when you are hungry and stop eating when you begin to feel full. Discover your body's hunger signals.

3. Remember that dieting and weight loss is a personal journey. Don't forget that even though weight loss is a personal journey, a lot of times it helps to bring along a friend with similar goals to help you on your way.

4. High protein foods are best. Protein rich foods fight off hunger the longest and are often the best for you, especially when eating raw protein sources..

5. If you mess up, don’t wait until tomorrow or next week to get back on track with your weight loss goals. Right now is the best time to fix it.

6. It is okay to decline food that will crash your diet. Don't be afraid of being rude when turning down unhealthy foods, it is acceptable. Go ahead and do it.

7. Skipping meals may cause overeating during subsequent meals and snacks. Skipping meals may also slow down your metabolism..

8. It is okay to not finish your plate. Cutting down on portion size will prevent you from overeating and cut down on food waste.

9. Be sure to drink two full, 8 oz glasses of water before every meal. This will help you feel full much quicker, allowing you to eat less and still be fulfilled.

10. Exercise, however, is one of the most important and effective weight loss tips. Daily exercise and weight training will help increase metabolic functioning and allow for a more effective fat burning process throughout the day.

Don’t forget that there is false information out there. According to nutrition experts, effective weight loss can only be obtained through healthy diet and exercise.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Choose The Healthiest Weight Loss Programs

There are many different things you can do to learn more about Our weight loss programs. Two free seminars are offered, one in-office, and one online. You can also sign up to receive a Free Weight Loss Report, entailing the basics of losing weight the healthy and natural way. You can book a Personalized Evaluation without attending these Seminars; but, these Seminars will better educate you on what needs to be done to lose weight. You will receive a Seminar Discount on your Evaluation! Finally get into the pant size you dream of.
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